News & Events


Tiyul to Southern Israel

Over the Succot break, Rav Stav accompanied the Overseas talmidim on a three-day highlight tour of the South.  The tiyul included overnight stays in Kibbutz Keturah and Dimona, ...

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Simchat Torah- Yom Tov Sheini

The Overseas students doubled their simchah with an extra day of Simchat Torah, celebrating with extraordinary enthusiasm and excitement in Yeshiva.  Many of the rabbanim on staff, from both ...

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Simchat Torah

With profound energy and enthusiasm, the talmidim, avreichim, rabbanim, and families of Kerem BYavneh celebrated Simchat Torah in Yeshiva, with hakafot running deep into the night and through the ...

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Shabbaton in Arad

Overseas students, accompanied by the Mashgiach Rav Rivlin, Yeshiva Director Rav Katz, Rav Silver, and Rav Zahtz, enjoyed a relaxing and inspirational Shabbat in Arad.

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Judean Desert Tiyul

This past Friday, the Overseas students visited Maarat Hamachpela and enjoyed a short hike near Efrat.

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Visit of the Rishon LeTzion, Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar

On Tuesday evening, September 13, the Yeshiva was again honored to host the Rishon LeTzion and Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Shlomo Amar. The rav delivered a shiur to a packed bet ...

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Rav Blachman kicks off Elul with a spellbinding melave malka

Rav Blachman made a special visit to yeshiva this past motze Shabbat to lead a melave malka.  After Rav Blachman's talk, the bachurim enjoyed fresh pizza.  The event ...

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Lag BaOmer

On Saturday night, the Yeshiva lit a bonfire as a Ner Neshama for Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. The overseas students also enjoyed a kumzitz/BBQ with Rav Bannett and Rav Zahtz.

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Swearing In of our Paratroopers

Thursday night, May 19th, three of our overseas students, Aaron Taylor, Gabi Teller, and Shaya Vorotinov, were sworn into their Paratrooper unit of the IDF at the Kotel.  The Yeshiva sent a ...

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Yom Haatzmaut BBQ

On Tuesday Night, the talmidim joined Rav Bannett, Rav Kohn and Rav Zahtz for a BBQ by the basketball courts in Yeshiva.  All of the guys enjoyed the food, some basketball and inspiring words ...

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