News & Events

Asufot Conference

On the final day of Zman we we honored to host a gathering of over 700 Hesder talmidim, who joined together to learn about Shemitah, from 28 Roshei Yeshiva and other speakers.

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Shiva Asar B'Tamuz

On Shiva Asar b'Tamuz Nasi haYeshiva Rav Greenberg delivered a Sicha in the Beit Midrash.

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Strong Learning Continues


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Tiyul and Shabbaton

On Shabbat Parshat Naso, we had the final shabbaton of the year to Shedmot Mechola. Here are some pics from the Erev Shabbat tiyul!

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The Learning Continues

Due to the security situation, learning, davening and meals took place in and around the various Miklatim on campus. We will continue to do everything possible to follow all safety measures and ...

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The Learning Continues

Due to the security situation, learning, davening and meals took place in and around the various Miklatim on campus. We will continue to do everything possible to follow all safety measures and ...

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Yom Yerushalaim

Yom Yerushalaim festivities included dancing in the Beit Midrash, Shacharit at the Kotel and Kotel tunnel tours.

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Lag BaOmer Bonfire

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The Meiron Tragedy

Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Aharon Friedman delivered a Sicha, in response to the tragedy in Meiron.   After the Sicha the overseas talmidim loaded the bus to Shaalvim for the levaya of Danny ...

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Yom Haatzmaut

Here are a few pictures from the Yom Haatzmaut festivities!  

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