News & Events

Lag BaOmer

On the night of Lag BaOmer, the families of the Kollel plus the Ramim went to light the annual bonfire in Yeshiva.  Singing, dancing, and words of divrei torah from Rav Be'eri made an ...

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Golan Tiyul 2010

After Pesach, the overseas students went to the Golan for a tiyul up North. They were accompanied by Rav Stav, and the madrich, Yochanan Kafka. The tiyul included various hikes in the ...

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Leil Yom Ha'atzmaut

The night of Yom Ha'atzmaut was one filled with much ruach and excitement. The Rosh Hayeshiva delivered a meaningful sicha before Rav Kalman Ber led the tefilah. The Yeshiva was honored to host ...

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Melave Malka with Rav Kook

On Motzei Shabbat, talmidim joined Rav Kook in his home for a beautiful melave malka.  Divrei torah, singing and dancing with Rav Kook was inspiring to all that attended.

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Purim Visit at Hospital

Rabbi Shlomo Friedman brought an amazing group of talmidim to a Hospital on purim, as he does every year, to bring simcha to everyone.  The day was filled with music and lots of singing and ...

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Purim with the Overseas Talmidim

As always the talmidim enjoyed a fun filled Purim with each other and their Rebbeim.  The annual shpiel was just the beginning of the laughs before the enjoying the mesiba and seudah in the ...

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Mesibat Purim

On Motzei Shabbat, the Beit Midrash was at full capacity for Maariv and the reading of Megillat Esther. Afterwards, the festivities continued with the annual Purim Shpiels and of course a ruach ...

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7th of Adar: Yahrzeit of the Rosh HaYeshiva zt"l

On Sunday, the 7th of Adar, a group of Rebbeim and talmidim went along with family members of the Rosh HaYeshivah zt"l to Har HaMenuchot to commemorate the Yahrzeit.

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Tzfat & Teverya Shabbaton

An Amazing Shabbaton and Tiyul in one of the Holies Cities in Eretz Yisroel

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Rav Shlomo Amar

The Rishon Letzion, Rav Shlomo Amar, shlita, was just one of the tremendous speakers that Yeshiva heard from over Chanuka

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