News & Events

Elul Zman Is Underway

Baruch Hashem, Elul Zman has arrived. We feel incredibly blessed to have a Beit Midrash open and pulsing with the sounds of Torah, while adhering to the the Health Ministry ...

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First Group of Overseas Talmidim Arrive

We were thrilled to welcome 36 Overseas talmidim to Yeshiva this week. They arrived early in order to quarantine before Rosh Chodesh ...

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Kayitz Zman Comes to a Close

Kayitz Zman came to an end this week. Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Aharon Friemdan delivered the Shiur Sof Zman on the topic of Learning Torah on Tisha B'Av.

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Iyun Bechina

  As Kayitz Zman comes to a close, the talmidim took an Iyun Bechina on the material they learning over the past 3 months!  

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New Video! Corona at KBY

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Ein Prat Tiyul

On Monday we went on a tiyul to Ein Prat. The talmidim were joined by Rabbi Rosner and Rabbi Zahtz, and met up with director Zvi Zelser at the end. For the full photo ...

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Yom Yerushalaim

On Thursday the Yeshiva celebrated Yom Yerushalayim, with a mesiba that was celebrated in the Beit Midrash and was broadcasted online as well. In addition to the singing and dancing, there ...

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Beit Midrash Reopens

Baruch Hashem the Beit Midrash reopened this week. The Beit Midrash has been divided into capsules, some of the Hesder talmidim have returned, and all Health Ministry guidelines are being ...

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An Unusual Pesach at KBY

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Opening Sicha- Kayitz Zman

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