News & Events

Yahrtzeit of Rav Goldvicht zt"l

On 7 Adar, the Yeshiva commemorated the 22nd yahrtzeit of Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Chaim Yaakov Goldvicht zt"l. Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Mordechai Greenberg shlita, Assistant Rosh HaYeshiva Rav ...

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What does KBY do on Purim?

KBY is finishing Bava Kama! Before we enjoy one of the mitzvot of the day, following mincha the overseas program will sit and learn from beginning to end of Masechet Bava Kama. No better way ...

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Rav Michael Rosensweig

Rav Michael Rosensweig, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva University, recently visited Kerem B'Yavneh and delivered shiurim on Bava Kama - the shiur klali on the topic  ...

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Rav Hershel Schachter

Rav Hershel Schachter, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva University, recently visited Kerem B'Yavneh and delivered shiurim on Bava Kama - the shiur klali on the topic îîåï, ...

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Azkara for Mr. Eli Klein z"l in New York

Over 150 men and women attended an azkara program honoring the memory of the beloved longtime director of Kerem B'Yavneh, Eli Klein z"l. The event was held on February 2 at ...

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Maintaining the Connection with British Almuni

Rav Dovid Zahtz and Rav Dovid Mintz recently travelled to England, where they met with alumni and prospective students and parents in London and Manchester.  

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Assistant Roshei Yeshiva Visit the US

Assistant Roshei Yeshiva Rav Gavriel Saraf and Rav Aharon Friedman shlita have returned from their visit to the United States, where they had the opportunity to meet with yeshiva alumni ...

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Shabbat in Tzfat

On Shabbat Parshat Va'era the overseas student spent Shabbat in Tzfat. On Friday, we had a tour of the historical and spiritual sites of Tzfat and had some free time to explore Tzfat's ...

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Shiur by Chief Rabbi HaRav Yitzchak Yosef

On 7 Tevet, our talmidim were privileged to hear a shiur on the topic of ñô÷ áøëåú from HaRav Yitzchak Yosef shlita, the Sefardi Chief Rabbi of Israel. After the shiur, Rav Yosef praised the ...

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Shloshim for Mr. Eli Klein z"l

On 5 Tevet, a special event was held in the Yeshiva to mark the shloshim of Mr. Eli Klein z"l, former director of the Yeshiva. Speakers included: Rav Yeshayahu Hadari ...

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