News & Events


Elul 5773 Begins

A tremendous excitement filled the air in Ben Gurion Airport on Tuesday as the group flight arrived from JFK.  Rabbi Katz and Rabbi Zahtz along with the madrichim went to meet the new ...

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Shabbat in Bnei Brak

The Overseas Program experienced an unforgettable Shabbat in Bnei Brak, accompanied by Rav Stav and Rav Zahtz. On Erev Shabbat, they paid a visit to Machon Ayalon, the Underground Bullet ...

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Tzfat and Akko

The Overseas program spent the Shabbat before Shavuot in the holy and mystical city of Tzfat with Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Greenberg, Rav Blachman, and Yeshiva Director Rav Katz. The talmidim spent ...

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Yom Yerushalayim in KBY

The Yeshiva marked the modern miracle of the reunification of Jerusalem in grand style. The festive tefilot, sichot, and seudat hoda'ah of Yom Yerushalayim were enhanced ...

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Celebrating Yerushalayim

In advance of Yom Yerushalayim, the whole Yeshiva played host to Rav Yisrael Ariel, the head of Mechon Hamikdash and a renowned baal tefilah over Shabbat. Rav ...

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Lag Ba'Omer Festivities

Bonfires lit up the night all around the Yeshiva campus on the evening of on Lag Ba’Omer, the day marking the end of the plague among the students of Rabbi Akiva and the yahrtzeit of ...

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Yom Ha'atzma'ut in Yeshiva

The Yeshiva observed Yom Ha'atzma'ut in grand fashion, with inspirational tefilot, a seudat hodaah, a tiyul, and a barbecue. The tone of celebration was set by ...

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Tiyul to the North

The Overseas Program enjoyed a multi-night stay, with hiking and touring, in the Golan. Accompanied by Rav Bannett and madrich Avraham Nemoy, the bachurim took in the picturesque scenery of ...

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Yom HaShoah Program

The Overseas Students spent the morning of Yom HaShoah learning some of the lessons of the Holocaust. With a visit to the Shem Olam Holocaust Museum and educational center, the students heard ...

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Young Alumnus Finishes Shas

The Yeshiva is very proud and delighted to share in the simcha of Moshe Abrams, a young alumnus who recently made a siyum on Shas Bavli. Moshe, who learned in the Yeshiva from 5768-5770, is ...

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