News & Events

Rav Blachman in USA

Rav Blachman was in L.A  and New York this weekend, giving shiurim and reconnecting with alumni.  

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Simchat Torah

Here are a few pics from Simchat Torah in Yeshiva. They were taken as the dancing continued well into the night, and the second day of Chag for Overseas ...

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On Motzai Shabbat we started saying Selichot, led by Dayan Be'eri. Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Aharon Friedman delivered a Sicha beforehand on the topic of "Asking ...

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Tiyul to Kotel and Ir David

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Bayit Cham

The Overseas Talmidim enjoyed their first Bayit Chamֲֲ this week, enjoying the warm home atmosphere with families on campus. ​

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Melave Malka with Harel Tal

This Motzai Shabbat the entire Yeshiva gathered for an inspiring Melave Malka with Harel Tal.

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Shiur Peticha

Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Saraf deliverd the Shiur Peticha, we will be learning Masechetֲ Yevamot. ֲ  ​

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Elul Zman Begins

Elul Zman kicked off on Rosh Chodesh with great energy in the Beit Midrash! ֲ  ​

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Overseas Talmdim Arrive

We are so excited to welcome this years group of overseas talmidim. ֲ  Welcome Home!

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