Hospital Visits Bring Cheer

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Hospital Visits Bring Cheer

As has been his practice for many years, Rav Shlomo Friedman led groups of talmidim to visit and gladden patients in local hospitals on Purim.  One particularly moved family sent the Yeshiva the following note:

"I just wanted to extend my hakarat hatov to your Yeshiva and your boys who brought real joy to my son (and myself) on Purim at Kaplan Hospital.  My son was there for a week including Purim and a few of your boys came by to bring some Purim cheer to him and many other sick children.  They sang, danced, joked and gave him attention and he loved it!  It brought tears to my eyes!  Furthermore, one of the boys asked if we needed to hear megillah which we did and he wound up reading for a number of people on the floor.... In any case, it was much appreciated and I wanted you to hear about it and extend our thanks once again."