News & Events

Join Rav Blachman's Iyun Shiur

To Recieve Sources and Zoom links, join the shiur whatsapp group here

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Online Beit Midrash

The KBY Beit Midrash is Coming to Your Home! Join our Online Beit Midrash for Shiurim and Sichot from our Rabbeim           Subscribe to any of ...

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Purim in Yeshiva

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Rabbi Rosner Weekend in London

Rabbi Rosner spent the weekend in London, giving shiurim in the Kehilla and interviewing prospective talmidim. He was joined by the Yeshiva's CEO, Zvi Zelser. We would like to thank all ...

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Defense Minister Naftali Bennett Visits KBY

Today we were honored to welcome the Defense Minister of the Medinat Yisrael, Naftali Bennett. He gave a Sicha in the Beit Midrash, in which he emphasized the imortance of ...

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Chevron Shabbaton

This past Shabbat the Overseas program had a special Shabbaton in the city of Chevron. On Friday the talmidim davened at Kever Rochel, and heard a talk from counterterrorism ...

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Iyun Test and Chazara Week

This week was Chazara Week in Yeshiva. The talmidim reviewed the topics of the first perek of Bava Batra, and on Wednesday they were tested on the material. A ...

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New Video: Chanuka in Yeshiva

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Chanuka In Yeshiva

Chanuka in yeshiva started with candle lighting in the dorms as well as the main lighting in the Beit Midrash, which were followed by dancing and a Sicha. On the first night the talmidim ...

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Overseas Melave Malka in Yeshiva

On Motzai Shabbat the yeshiva hosted the second annual Melave Malka for overseas alumni who made Aliyah. The alumni enjoyed reconnecting with friends and Rabbeim. The Roshei Yeshiva and ...

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