News & Events

Pre Pesach Yom Iyun

Next Tuesday, Israel's election day, the yeshiva will be holding a special day of torah in preparation for Pesach. The speakers will include the Roshei Yeshiva and Rav Aryeh Stern, Chief Rabbi ...

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Purim in KBY

After an unbelievable Purim, we are making the most of the last two weeks in Yeshiva before the zman comes to a close. Here is a quick summary of the Purim ...

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Machatzit Hashekel Campaign

In the weeks leading up to Purim the yeshiva ran a fundraising campaign Zecher Lemachatzit Hashekel. Collection boxes were distributed in shuls, and an internet link was sent around. We are ...

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זכר למחצית השקל

בוגר וידיד יקר, שלום רב, בימים אלו אנו ממשיכים בגיוס תרומות והוראות קבע לקרן הבניין לע"נ ר' אלי קליין ז"ל. מטרת הקרן לחזק את בדק הבית להרחיב, לבנות ולשפץ את מבני הישיבה, שמר ...

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Chevron Shabbaton

On Shabbat Parshat Pekudei we traveled to Chevron for a wonderful and inspiring Shabbaton. On Friday we stopped at Kfar Etzion to learn about the history and heroism of ...

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Shabbat with Rav Twerksy

On Shabbat Parshat Ki Tisa we were honored to have Rav Mayer Twersky,  Rosh yeshiva of RIETS in Yeshiva. The talmidim enjoyed a friday night tisch, a shiur in the morning and ...

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Siyum Shas Mishnayot for the Shloshim of Mr. Simon Kalman z''l

 Last night the yeshiva hosted a Siyum Shas Mishnayot in honor of the shloshim of Mr. Simon Kalman z''l, the father of Shana Aleph talmid Eitan Kalman. Eitan spoke of his fathers ...

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Yahrtzeit Event for Rav Goldvicht Zt"l

This week marked the 24th yahrtzeit of the founding Rosh Yeshiva zt''l, Rav Chaim Yaakov Goldvicht. The yeshiva held its annual memorial on Monday evening. Rav Chaim Drukman, Rosh ...

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