News & Events

Shabbaton Mitzpe Rimon

On Friday of Parshat Vayishlach, after a beautiful tiyul near one of the craters in the Negev, the overseas students spent Shabbat in Mitzpe Rimon.  Over the course of Shabbat the heard ...

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Melave Malka with Rav Kook in the Churva Shul

Motzei Shabbat, Parshat Toldot, the overseas students left Yeshiva to hear inspiring words from Rav Kook, Rav of Rechovot and the Churva Shul in the Old City of Jerusalem.  Rav Kook spoke ...

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Eilat Tiyul

Before the zman, the overseas students went south to enjoy an amazing tiyul while accompanied by Rav Stav, Rav Zahtz, Rav Kohn and the madrichim.  The tiyul began with a hike up Masada ...

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Hakafot Sheniyot

Many Rabbanim, avreichim and students joined the local communities on Motzei Simchat Torah for Hakafot Sheniyot.  The singing and dancing truly enhanced the atmosphere in those communities.

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Simchat Torah

Simchat Torah in Yeshiva was filled an amazing ruach as students returned to celebrate in their own Beit Midrash.  The overseas students were able to retain a tremendous amount of energy ...

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Shabbaton in Beit Meir

On Friday of Parshat Ki Tavo, the overseas students began their tiyul with Shacharit at the Kotel.  Following davening and breakfast, the students were taken for a tour in the Old City ...

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Melave Malka with Rav Avraham Willig

Motzei Shabbat, Parshat Ki Tetze, Rav Avraham Willig joined the overseas students for a special melave malka.  They enjoyed great food while hearing inspiring words from Rav Willig.

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Opening Shiur of Elul

On Wednesday, the 1st of Elul, the Rosh HaYeshiva addressed the entire Yeshiva to open the year of learning of Bava Kama.

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Elul Zman Begins

On Tuesday, Rosh Chodesh Elul, the new zman began in Yeshiva with over 120 first year Israelis and Overseas Students coming to join all those returning in the Beit Midrash.

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Shabbaton In Chevron

On Friday, erev Shabbat Shlach, the overseas students left the Yeshiva with the Mashgiach, Riv Rivlin, for an exciting tour of Ir David and the tunnels there. From there, they took buses to Kiryat ...

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