News & Events

Tiyul in the Mountains of Eilat

Just before the conclusion of bein hazmanim, overseas students went on a challenging and enjoyable tiyul in the mountains of Eilat. They were accompanied by Rav Moshe Stav shlita. On ...

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Birkat David

In honor of the eightieth birthday of Rav David Kav shlita, the yeshiva published the sefer Birkat David, a compilation of shiurim that Rav Kav delivered in the yeshiva. Rav ...

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Simchat Torah

Many of the Yeshiva talmidim returned to celebrate in their own Beit Midrash, Simchas Torah.  Talmidim enjoyed dancing together with their Rabbeim until the late hours of the night and ...

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Musical Melave Malka

On Saturday Night, Parshat Shoftim, the Lehava Band came to the Yeshiva to engage the talmidim in inspiring Hassidic music as we approach the Yomim Noraim.

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Visiting Our Soldiers

Rav Yust, Mashgiach of the Yeshiva, took a few talmidim with him to visit some of our soldiers on the Paratrooper Base.

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Elul Zman 5775

Elul Zman has begun and the talmidim are excited as they adjust to their new environment.  Rav Greenberg, Rosh HaYeshiva, delivered the opening shiur in Mesechet Ketubot.

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המשגיח הרוחני, הרב אברהם ריבלין שליט"א

לאחי ורעי היקרים תלמידי ובוגרי הישיבה לדורותיה לפני שנות יובל הגעתי לישיבה כתלמיד, ולפי ארבעים שנה מוניתי לתפקיד המשגיח הרוחני, תפקיד שממנו אני נפרד בימים אלו. השתדלתי בכל מאודי למסור ...

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הושלם ריצוף בית המדרש

לאחר שלושה שבועות של עבודה מאומצת, הושלם ריצוף בית המדרש. על העבודה ניצח כמובן ר' יעקב יוסקוביץ מנהל המשק. בחורים רבים התנדבו ובמרץ רב פינו את הספרים והריהוט מחוץ לבית המדרש. כל אותה ...

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New Wooden Bima

On Yom Yerushalayim, we were privileged to a very beautiful addition to our Bet Midrash. One of the Yeshiva’s long time supporters,  Mr Pace Cooper and family from Memphis, TN. ...

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Yom Haatzmaut

Israel Independence Day is a joyous day in Yeshiva. Celebrated with beautiful singing during davening at night and in the morning and a beautiful meal.  This year the Yeshiva was addressed ...

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