News & Events

Seudat Hoda'ah

On Sunday night the overseas program held a special seudah, as some of our talmidim are leaving for summer camp this week. The fleishig seudah was attended by the Roshei Yeshiva, ...

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New Video! Iyar Highlights

As we wrap up the month of Iyar and burst into Sivan with lots of fantastic energy, check out the highlight of the month that was here

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Yom Yerushalaim Davening and Tour

This Sunday we had the wonderful opportunity to celebrate Yom Yerushalaim in the holy city. The talmidim boarded the buses early in the morning in order to be at the kotel for shacharit. There ...

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Mitzpeh Yericho Shabbaton

This past Shabbat the overseas program traveled to Mitzpeh Yericho for the final Shabbaton of the year. On Friday the talmidim loaded the buses for the journey to the Judean desert. There they ...

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Lag Ba'omer Festivities

On Lag Ba'Omer we experienced an evening full of inspiration, Torah and happiness. The Rosh Yeshiva Rav Saraf opened with a sicha about the relationship of the hidden Torah and the ...

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Yom Haatzmaut and Yom Hazikaron

Yom Haatzmaut and Yom Haatzmaut are special days in Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh. It allows us to celebrate Eretz Yisrael, thank Hashem for all of the miracles in our generation, and to remember ...

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Tiyul to the North

During the week between Pesach and the start of Choref Zman, the talmidim travelled north for a 3 day tiyul. They enjoyed nature hikes, historical sites and team building activities. They ...

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Election Day Yom Iyun a Huge Success

On Tuesday, Israel's election day, over 180 people from across the country came to spend the day learning torah and preparing for pesach. Shiurim were give by the Roshei Yeshiva Rav Saraf and ...

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