News & Events

New Video: Shevat Highlights

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Chazara Week and Iyun Bechina

Last week was chazara week in yeshiva. The talmidim spent the mornings reviewing the first nine dapim of gittin, which they had learned in iyun seder over the past few ...

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London Melave Malka a Huge Success

Last Motzai Shabbat the Yeshiva held its Annual Melave Malka in London. Over 125 Parents, Alumni and Supporters gathered together in Hendon to reconnect, celebrate and support the Yeshiva. Rosh ...

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KBY Welcomes New Director

Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh is excited to welcome the new Director of the Yeshiva, R' Zvi Zeltser. Zvi is a member of the Torani community of Lod, and after studying in Yeshivat ...

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London Shabbaton and Melave Malka

Coming up, Feb. 2, Parshat Mishpatim, Check out the full schedule!

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New! Weekly Whatsapp Dvar Torah

Now you can take Torat Yavneh on the go! We are excited to announce a new weekly video Dvar Torah by one of the Rabbeim in yeshiva. This weeks is from Rav Lapian.  Due to poular ...

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Rabbi Rosner Heading To America

Rabbi Rosner will be traveling to America over the next two weeks. He will be visiting various High School to give shiurim and to recruit interested seniors to come to KBY next year. He will also ...

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Happy Chanuka!

This week we celebrated Chanuka in yeshiva with tremendous simcha and kedusha. In the evenings the talmidim lit their menorahs in the dorms, along with singing and dancing. Afterwards the ...

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Tzfat Shabbaton

This past Shabbat the talmidim of the overseas program traveled to Tzfat for an inspiring shabbaton. On Friday morning the buses headed north, where the first stop was the holy grave of Rashbi ...

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Photos and Videos from American Friends Dinner

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