News & Events


Hospital Visits Bring Cheer

As has been his practice for many years, Rav Shlomo Friedman led groups of talmidim to visit and gladden patients in local hospitals on Purim.  One particularly moved family sent the Yeshiva ...

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New Books from Kerem B'Yavneh Alumni

Mazal Tov to Rabbi Ari Storch on his recently published The Secrets of the Stars: The Significance of the Night Sky to the Jewish People and the World and to Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom on ...

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Shabbaton in Tzfat

The Overseas talmidim enjoyed a Shabbaton and tiyul to Tzfat and Har Meron the week of Parshat Beshalach. Accompanied by Rav Sharon Youst and Rav Yonatan Kohn and their families, the bachurim ...

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Melave Malka with Rav Yehoshua Cohen

A full house of both Israeli students and Overseas students turned out for a melave malka with Rav Yehoshua Cohen, the author of Kerem Yehoshua. Rav Cohen outlined his unique method of ...

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Old City Tour with Rav Stav

After shacharit kevatikin at the Kotel, the Overseas students enjoyed an erev Shabbat tour of some of the highlights of Yerushalayim's Old City.  The tour included the Kotel tunnels and the ...

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Chanukah in Yeshiva

Every night of Chanukah in Yeshiva, the talmidim accompany the lighting of the Yeshiva chanukiah with singing and dancing in the bet midrash, followed by a special sicha. This year, the ...

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Overseas Melave Malka with Rav Simcha Kook

On motze Shabbat parshat Vayeshev, students of the Overseas program enjoyed a melave malka with the Rav and Av Bet Din of Rechovot, Rav Simcha hakohen Kook, shlit"a. Rav Kook, also ...

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Mashgiach Ruchani of HTC Delivers Shiur

Many talmidim turned out for a late-night shiur from Rav Zvi Zimmerman, shlit"a, the dynamic Mashgiach Ruchani of Beis Medrash leTorah- Hebrew Theological College, in Skokie, IL.  ...

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Friday tiyul- Dialogues in the Dark

Tens of talmidim joined maggid shiur Rav Zev Bannett on a trip to Dialogues in the Dark on a recent Friday.  The so-called "Blind Museum" provides an experiential window for ...

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RIETS Rashei Yeshiva Visit Kerem B'Yavneh

In November, the talmidim of Kerem B'Yavneh were fortunate enough to hear shiurim from two outstanding American rashei yeshiva, Rav Hershel Schachter, shlit"a, and Rav Baruch Simon, ...

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