News & Events

Exciting Beit Shemesh Melave Malka

This past motzai shabbat the talmidim traveled to Beit Shemesh for an amazing melave malka with Rabbi Rosner. The program included an inspiring shmuess by Rabbi Yehoshua Landau, a KBY alum who ...

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New Video! Cheshvan Highlights

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Special Melave Malka at the Home of Rav Blachman

This past Motzai Shabbos the overseas talmidim traveled to Har Nof, Yerushalaim, for a special Melave Malka. They were hosted by Rav Blachman for an evening full of torah and ...

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New Grassroots Tefilah Chabura

The talmidim have initiated a new chabura to help strengthen the experience of davening in yeshiva. On Motzai Shabbos, immediately after havdala, a group of 15 guys sits down to learn about a ...

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Shana Tova Letter From the Roshei Yeshiva

Elul 5778 Dear Alumni and Friends of Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh, A new year of Torah study has begun at the yeshiva. This year, 100 new students have joined us – 55 Israeli students ...

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Parshat Nitzavim- Zeve Kornwasser

The First Step Zeve Kornwasser Shana Aleph In this last week’s Pasha, Ki Savo, the Torah describes the commandment of writing “kol hamtizvah asher anochi mitzvah eschem” ...

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Zman Elul Packed With Special Guests

A number of world renowned speakers have come to speak in KBY over the past few weeks, in order to help the talmidim prepare for the upcoming Yamim Noraim. This week, Rav Shlomo Amar, Rishon ...

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Parshat Ki Tavo- David Tanner

Kedushas Ha’aretz vs Chibas Ha’aretz: Are They Codependent? by: David Tanner (Shana Aleph) Much of the following is taken from shiurim by Rav Shlomo Friedman ...

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Elul Zman Kicks Off

The buzz of excitement and joy has returned to the beautiful campus of Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh, as Zman Elul 5778 began earlier this week. The Yeshiva will be learning Masechet Gittin ...

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Special Melave Malka with Rabbi Rosner

On Motzai Shabbos Rabbi Rosner led a special melave Malka, in honor of the new zman. He discussed the main goals for a talmid in KBY, and strategies for growth during Elul and beyond. ...

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