News & Events

Chanuka Mesiba with Aharon Razel

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Chanuka Sameach

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Tiyul and Shabbaton

On the way to the first shabbaton of the yearon the way to the first shabbaton on the year in Shvut Rochel, the talmidim got to tour the ancient city of ...

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Rabbi Davidson In London

Rabbi Davidson visited london this past weekend to meet potential students for next year as well as, parents and alumni. 

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Yeshiva's Dinner

Here's aֲ picture from the Yeshiva'sֲ Dinner.ֲ Thank you to everyone who came and made the event so meaningful!

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Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Aharon Friedman Shiur in YU

Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Aharon Friedman giving a shiur to alumni in YU.

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Shiur in YILC with Rav Rosner

Rabbi Rosner spent a packed weekend in New York and New Jersey, giving shiurim in many locations.ֲֲ  Here’s a pic from the shiur in YILC.

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Choref Zman Opens

Choref Zman opened in the Beit Midrash with renewed energy!  

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Negev Tiyul

Over Bein HaZmanim we went on a three day tiyul to various beautiful places, which included Machtesh Ramon, Harei Eilat, and Ketura. We were privileged to be ...

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