News & Events


Golan Tiyul

Before Kayitz zman began, many talmidim joined Rav Stav, Rav Zahtz and the madrichim for a tiyul up to the Golan Heights.  On the way up to the Golan, the Yeshiva stopped at Shem Olam, a ...

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Shabbat with HaRav Shlomo Fisher shlita

Shabbat Parshat Tetzaveh, the Yeshiva hosted HaRav HaGaon Rav Shlomo Fisher, shlita.  OVer the course of Shabbat, the talmidim were able to hear his drashot, sichot and shiurim.

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7th of Adar - Yahrtzeit of Rosh HaYeshiva zt"l

On Friday morning, talmidim and alumni went to the kever of the Rosh HaYeshiva zt"l on Har Hamenuchot.

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Memorial Shiurim and Chag Hasemicha

On Thursday night, leil 7th of Adar, marked the 15th Yahrtzeit of the Rosh HaYeshiva zt"l. Fifty three alumni were awarded their semicha from the rabbanut in Yoreh Yoreh, Rav of a City, and ...

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Inspirational Words From 9/11 Survivor

Motzei Shabbat, Parshat Yitro, the students had the zchut to hear from Mr. Ari Schonbrun, father of one of the first year students. Mr. Schonbrun related his miraculous story of survival from the ...

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Shana Alef Shabbaton in Ramat Beit Shemesh

On Parshat Bo, the first year students spent a wonderful shabbos with alumni of the Yeshiva at their homes in Ramat Beit Shemesh.

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Shana Bet Shabbaton In Amatzia

Shabbat Parshat Va'era, the second year students spent an amazing shabbos with Rav Rivlin and Rav Zahtz at Rav Katz's home in Amatzia, a yishuv made up of members of the Gush Katif community. ...

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Chanuka Mesiba

On Tuesday night, the Seventh night of Chanuka, the annual Chanuka Mesiba was held.  Before the dancing began, the bekiut awards for Mesechet Ketuvot were given out in ...

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Chanuka 5771

On Wednesday night, the first candles were lit for Chanuka. The Yeshiva danced around the candles before hearing inspiring words from the Rosh HaYeshiva. Thursday, after hearing a shiur from ...

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Shabbat with Rav Schachter

The Yeshiva hosted Rav Hershel Schachter, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva University, for Shabbat Parshat Vayeishev.  Over Shabbat, Rav Schachter spoke on many different occassions including a ...

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