News & Events

Yom Hazikaron

On Monday, Yom Hazikaron, the Yeshiva traveled to various cemetaries throughout the country to show their support for the families of the fallen.

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Kayitz Zman Begins

On Wednesday, Rosh Chodesh Iyar, Maran Rosh HaYeshiva HaRav Greenberg opened the zman with a shiur in the fourth perek of Mesechet Shavuot. 

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Golan Tiyul

Before the zman began the overseas students went up North for three days to the Golan.  Joined by Rav Bannett and Rav Zahtz, the students enjoyed hiking, kayaking, and paintballing. ...

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Winter Zman Ends

To conclude the zman, parents of the Israeli talmidim were invited to spend the last afternoon seder with their children in the Yeshiva.  A festive meal was served following shiurim by ...

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Purim Chagiga

The excitement and energy was powerful at the Chagiga this year.  Joined by the Roshei Yeshiva and Ramim, the students danced to the early hours of the morning.

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Megilla Reading in Neighboring Hospitals

Rav Shlomo Friedman led a group of students to read megilla at some of the neighboring hospitals and bring some Purim simcha to the patients and atmosphere.

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Shabbat Zachor and Purim in Yeshiva

The tradition continued again this year, as the students decorated the Beit Midrash with balloons and Purim thematic signs before Shabbat Zachor in Yeshiva.  

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Chief Ashkenazik Rabbi Visits

On Thurs, 16th of Tevet, Rav Dovid Lau, the Chief Rabbi of Israel, came to visit the Yeshiva. Rav Lau met with the Roshei Yeshiva and Ramim of the Yeshiva and then delivered a shiur on the ...

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Chanuka in Yeshiva

Chanuka began this year with the lighting in the Beit Midrash followed by dancing and a sicha from Maran Rosh HaYeshiva, Harav Greenberg.  Later in the evening, some of the shiurim had ...

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Shabbaton in Ofrah

The overseas students enjoyed a wonderful shabbaton in the city of Ofra on Parshat Toldot.  Over shabbos they hiked to the outpost of Amona.  While there, they heard some of the ...

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