News & Events

Yom HaZikaron

Here are a few pics from Yom HaZikaron in Yeshiva.    

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Chol HaMoed Activities

Chol HaMoed programming included a tisch withֲֲ Rav Blachman, a barbecue at the home ofֲֲ Director Zvi Zelser, and a jeeping tiyul around ...

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Pesach in Yeshiva

Here are some pics from Erev Pesach and the second day of Yom Tov in Yeshiva ֲ  ​ ֲ  ​

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Bein HaZmanim Tiyul

Bein Hazmanim kicked off today with a Tiyul to Wadi Kelt. The privelidge of experiencing Eretz Yisrael is no longer taken for granted! The talmidim were joined by Rabbi Zahtz and Rabbi Davidson

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Matza Baking

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Choref Zman Comes to an End

Choref Zman has come to an end. The Zman ended with a special program, where all talmidim who passed their Iyun test received a set of sefarim. A HUGE Yasher Koach to all who worked hard ...

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Purim Excitement

Here are some pictures from Purim in Yeshiva!      

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Shabbat Zachor Festivites

Here are some pictures from the Beit Midrash, which was decorated in honor of Shabbat Zachor    

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Second Vaccine Dosage

The Overseas talmdim received their second vaccine dosage on Thursday.   We look forward to continuing the year in good health B'ezrat Hashem  

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Yahrtzeit of the Rosh Yeshiva Zt"l

On Thursday evening the Yeshiva held it's annual memorial in honor of the Yahrtzeit of the Rosh Yeshiva Rav Goldwicht zt"l.   Nasi HaYeshiva Rav Mordechai Greenberg delivered ...

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