News & Events

Purim in Yeshiva

Purim was celebrated in grand style and abundant joy. The music played late into the night for the costumed and dancing bnei Yeshiva. See if you can find and identify the guest drummer. On the ...

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Tish with the Bostoner Rebbe

The Bostoner Rebbe of Har Nof held a Melave Malka in Yeshiva after Chanukah. The Rebbe shared divrei Torah, and inspired the talmidim with song and dance.

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Chevron Shabbaton

On Shabbat Parshat Yito, the Overseas program, joined by Rabbi Shlomo Friedman and family and Rabbi Ori Fisher and family, enjoyed a memorable Shabbaton in the holy city of Chevron. The ...

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KBY in England

Alumni shared an enlightening and thought-provoking evening with Rav Stav and Rav Zahtz during their British visit. The rabbanim also met with prospective students as part of his trip.

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Chanukah Celebration

On the fourth night of Chanukah, the Yeshiva held its annual Chanukah celebration and ceremony for the distribution of achievement prizes. Approximately 80 prizes were awarded to students who ...

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Har Bracha Shabbaton

The talmidim took a break for a tiyul and Shabbaton on Parshat Toldot in Har Bracha, where they joined with the first year- talmidim from Kerem B'Yavneh's Israeli hesder program.  ...

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Annual Southern tiyul

In the days between Sukkot and the winter zman (session) in Yeshiva, the Overseas program enjoyed an extended excursion to Israel’s south.  The annual tiyul, this year featuring a ...

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Annual Dinner in Israel

On Thursday, 2 Marcheshvan, the annual Yeshiva dinner was held, paying special tribute to our Rosh Hayeshiva, Rav Mordechai Greenberg shlit”a.  Hundreds of alumni and friends were on ...

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Honoring the Fallen

Special shiurim were held in Yeshiva during Aseret Yemei Teshuvah, drawing additional visitors to the beit midrash, to honor the memory of KBY talmidim who perished while ...

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Shemini Atzeret in KBY

Israeli and Overseas students joined for a day of simcha and celebration, in concluding the chagim of TisAhrei.  In keeping with the KBY tradition, hakafot were held in ...

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