Kayitz Shabbaton/ Melave Malka

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Kayitz Shabbaton/ Melave Malka

On Shabbat Parshat Shlach, the Overseas students enjoyed a quiet retreat Shabbaton in the beautiful surroundings of Ramot Shapira, near Bet Meir.  After the erev Shabbat tiyul to Kever Rachel, Armon Hanetziv, and historical Meah Shearim, the talmidim spent Shabbat with the Mashgiach, Rav Rivlin, and his wife; and Rav Blachman and his wife.  Highlights included a late-night tisch and a question and answer session.  After Shabbat, the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Greenberg, and the full staff of ra"mim and sganei mashgiach came for a special melave malka.  Accompanied by specially catered food from Holy Bagel, the bachurim heard words of encouragement and advice from rabbanim and one of the students ahead of the end of the academic year.