News & Events

Shabbat at the Homes of Israeli Friends

Over this past shabbat, many of the overseas talmidim had the opportunity to visit the homes of their Israeli friends. They got to experience diverse communties, new foods and unique shuls. ...

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New Video: Cheshvan Highlights

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Annual KBY Dinner in New York

Hundreds of alumni, supporters and friends of Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh gathered in Lincoln Square Synagogue on Monday evening, for a special tribute dinner. The event  was focused on ...

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Overseas Melave Malka in Yeshiva

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Eilat Tiyul

This past Sunday morning, the talmidim packed up the buses and headed off towards Eilat for three days of fun and enjoyment. The tiyul included Tel Beer Sheva, Sand Dunes and a day long ...

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Simchat Torah in Yeshiva

Here are a few pictures from the hakafot in yeshiva! All pictures were taken as the dancing continued well after Yom Tov, and at the overseas minyan on the second ...

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Election Day Yom Iyun

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Elul Zman Kicks Off!

Elul Zman has finally arrived! Here are a few pictures of the energetic learning, the opening shiur from the Rosh Yeshiva, and special opening Melave Malka with Rabbi ...

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Save The Date!

More Details and Registration Coming Soon!  

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