צוות הישיבה

חזרה לשרימהחזרה לרשימה

הרב יונתן קרם

הרב יונתן קרם

Rabbi Yoni Kram attended MTA for high school, followed by Yeshivat Hakotel for the next three years. Continuing after in the Masmidim Honors Program at Yeshiva University, Rabbi Kram studied in the shiurim of Rav Zvi Sobolofsky and Rav Meir Twersky. He then spent a zman in Yeshivat Mir Yerushalayim, followed by three years in the YU Gruss Kollel. At the Gruss Kollel, he obtained Smicha from RIETS, while learning under Rav Assaf Bednarsh and Rav Chaim Eisenstein. He continues to learn in the Gruss Kollel in the morning and is a Shoel uMeishiv for Yeshivat Torat Shraga in the afternoon. He is excited to learn and build meaningful relationships with the talmidim at KBY!