In the Visions of the Night

In the Visions of the Night

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By: Rav Aryeh Stern

When Yaakov was about to go down to Egypt, the Torah says (Bereshis 46: 2-4) "And the Lord said to Israel in the visions of the night… do not fear descending to Egypt… I will go down to Egypt with you and I will also bring you back up (to Eretz Israel)."

And the question arises: Why did HaShem appear to Yaakov specifically in the visions of the night? This requires explanation since this is the way the prophets of the nations of the world receive prophecy, as is written regarding Bilaam (Bamidbar 22:8): "Sleep here tonight and I will give you an answer, as Hashem will speak to me." And Rashi explains: "Ruach HaKodesh (Divine inspiration) does not come to him (Bilaam) except at night, and so it is with all the prophets of the gentiles, and accordingly (HaShem spoke to) Lavan in a dream at night, as it says: And HaShem came to Lavan in the dream of the night – (metaphorically) like a man who goes to his concubine covertly."

The Meshech Chochmah explains HaShem's speaking to Yaakov at night in this way: the night represents the darkness of the diaspora, as the redemption is light, as we pray: "Illuminate a new light upon Zion," and as the prophet Yishayahu (60:1) says: "Arise and illuminate, as your light has arrived, and the glory HaShem of will shine upon you." And behold, Yaakov is now on his way to the long and difficult diaspora, to live in Egypt many years, and therefore the Divine revelation came to him at night, to demonstrate that even at night and in the darkness of the diaspora the Divine Presence dwells upon Israel, and as the Gemara says in Masechet Megillah (29a) "Behold how beloved Israel are before HaShem, that to every place they are banished to, the divine Presence goes with them."

For this reason, after Avraham established the Shacharit prayer and Itzchak established the Mincha prayer, Yaakov established the Arvit prayer since Yaakov teaches us what was said to him in the visions of the night - that at night as well we must not forget that the G-d of our fathers is with us. And so it says in Tehillim (20:2): "May HaShem answer you on a day of distress, may the name of the Lord of Yaakov strengthen you." A day of distress is a day of darkness and shadows, but the Lord of Yaakov, who revealed Himself to him in the visions of the night, is with us in times of distress and darkness as well, and "Even when I will walk in the valley of darkness of death I will not fear evil since You are with me (Tehillim 23:4)."

On the holiday of Chanukkah the mitzvah is to light the candles at the time of sundown. At the hour when one faces difficulties and problems, and he feels as if the sun is setting on him and the world is engulfed by darkness, at such a time his duty is to light the candles which represent the light at the end of the tunnel and to fortify himself in the faith that the G-d of Yaakov is with him in all his ordeals, and he is not abandoned and alone. At this time his eyes turn to the heavens out of a deep cry "from where will my help come?" And he looks at the candles and hears the lofty echo answering him from above "my help is from HaShem (who) creates the heavens and the earth." 

So it says in Tehillim, in the chapters we recite in Hallel: "I will raise the cup of salvation and will call on the name of HaShem," "I will find distress and grief and I will call on the name of HaShem." At a time of salvation as well as at a time of distress, and also at a time of darkness and hastarat panim (when HaShem's providence is concealed), we know that even there HaShem Itbarach is present, and to Him we turn and pray.

"For they are our life and the length of our days, and we will contemplate them day and night." Whether at times when we feel the light of day, or at times when we feel the darkness of night, we know that the Shechinah of HaShem is with us, and therefore we learn His Torah, as Torah study is in itself the proclamation HaShem's name, a proclamation which merits us closeness to the Lord and the dwelling of His Presence upon us.

It is our great prayer that HaShem will remove the darkness from the world and will illuminate upon us with a great light of deliverance and redemption.



Shiur ID: 9477

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