Shabbaton in Karnei Shomron

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Shabbaton in Karnei Shomron

On Friday, 8 Sivan, overseas students went on a tiyul to the site of the ancient city of Shilo. Accompanied by Mashgiach HaRav Yust and their madrichim, Yehuda Finn and Yitzchak Zitter, students toured the ruins of the city, viewed a film about the history of the site, and spoke with the archaelogists who are working in the area, who showed students recent discoveries.

The students then continued to Ein Kefir, a spring near Elon Moreh, where they enjoyed a pleasant water hike.

On Erev Shabbat, students joined the minyan for Kabbalat Shabbat in Ramat Gilad, a small neighborhood overlooking Karnei Shomron. They enjoyed a very pleasant Shabbat in Yeshivat Halichot Olam in Karnei Shomron.