The Kindness of Rivka Imenu
By: Rav Sharon Yust
The Kindness of Rivka Imenu
Parshat Chayeii Sarah – HaRav Sharon Yust
A great and important task stands before Avraham's trusted servant, the elder of his house who manages all of Avraham's estate.
He must travel all the way to Haran and find the woman who is appropriate for Yitzchak, who has to take the place of Sarah Imenu of blessed memory.
As a lifetime talmid of Avraham Avinu, he first prays to G-d for success on his mission, but he also doesn't neglect the obligation of making a great hishtadlut (practical effort).
How can he check if the young lady is appropriate or not?
"And the young girl whom I will say to her: please pour (water) from your jug and let me drink, and she will say: drink, and I will water your camels as well – she is the one who You have proven, and then I will know that You have done kindness with my master."
And this is puzzling: we can understand that he wanted to test her and see if she is willing to let him drink, but why did he make watering the camels part if the test? Did Avraham's servant want to check if the girl performs the mitzvah of tza'ar ba'alei chayim (preventing suffering to animals)?
Perhaps we can explain that the test of bringing water to a person alone isn't enough, since presumably many people will agree to give a little water to someone who comes from a long journey.
Human relations are based on reciprocity: I will help you today, and tomorrow you will help me. So the girl's willingness to let him drink doesn't prove that there is something special about her.
But the moment the girl is willing on her own initiative to go back and forth to the well to draw water for ten camels (which, as we know, can drink huge quantities of water), now this is something which is beyond the basic feeling of human ethics which every normal person possesses, here we see that "You have proven her for your servant Yitzchak" – she is appropriate for him, as she is a gomelet chasadim (bestower of kindness) and she is fitting to enter the house of Avraham (Rashi).
Here the supremely important characteristic is revealed. Like Avraham Avinu, who didn't suffice with waiting at the entrance of his tent, but rather "runs towards them" – he rushes and initiates the encounter with the guests, so Rivka is worthy of being one of the exemplary Imahot (mothers) who will build the House of Israel.
May we ourselves also merit to learn from Rivka Imenu, to make an effort and hasten to do the mitzvah of chesed, which so well characterizes the children of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov.
Shiur ID: 9214
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