Ohev Shalom V'Rodef Shalom Program
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Parsha Divrei Torah

Editor: Rav Meir Orlian
Parshat Lech-Lecha
"Avram Heard that his Brother was Taken Captive" (Pollard)
Rav Meir Orlian
Kerem B'Yavneh, Israel
Parshat Vayeira
The Power of Eretz Yisrael
Mordechai Katz
Flushing, NY
Parshat Chayei Sara
Achdut of the Tribes
Michoel Stein
Johannesburg, South Africa
Parshat Toldot
United we Rise; United we Fall
Dovid Schachter
Edison, NJ
Parshat Vayeitzei
Gratitude for the Small Things in Life
Aryeh Young
Mercer Island, WA
Parshat Vayishlach
The Basis of Jewish Unity
Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Mordechai Greenberg shlita
(Adapted from "One Nation in the Land" - Jewish Unity)
Parshat Vayeishev
The Effect of Lashon Hara
Rafi Lowy
Chicago, IL
The Unity of the Chanukah Lights
Rav Meir Orlian
Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh
Parshat Vayechi
The Mission of Twelve Tribes
Rael Blumenthal
Johannesburg, SAThe Golden Key to Redemption
Natan E. Kotler
Jerusalem, Israel
Parshat Va'era
Look at the Context
Ari Bernstein
Lawrence, NY
Parshat Bo
To Care, to Communicate
Ari Bernstein and Menachem Rosenbaum
Lawrence, NY and Riverdale, NY
Parshat Beshalach
Think First!
Avishai Chelst
Southfield, MIMan's Ability to Effect the World through Unity
Daniel Loewenstein
Woodmere, New York
Parshat Yitro
National Achdut Yitro-Belsh.pdfat Har Sinai
Sammy Belsh
Edison, New Jersey
Parshat Mishpatim
Justice and Concern for All
Mikie Cooper
Holliswood, New YorkThe Daily Laws of Life
Yossi Steinberger
Monsey, NY
Parshat Teruma
All The Vessels Under One Roof
Dovid Zirkind
Baltimore, MD
Parshat Tetzaveh
Chesed Based on Torah
Ya'kov Trump
Johannesburg, South Africa
Parshat Ki-Tisa
The Lesson of the Luchot
Yossi Esrig
St. Louis, MO
Parshat Vayakhel
The Mishkan and the Jew
Tuvia Tessler
Fairlawn, NJ
Parshat Pekudei
Counting and the Beneficent Eye
Allon Freilich
London, England
The Perfect Ending
Ari Bernstein
Lawrence, NYAchdut!!!
Rav Meir Orlian
Kerem B'Yavneh
Parshat Vayikra
Nidvat Tzibur
Joshua Magilnick
Santa Monica, CA
Parshat Tzav
"Nullification of The Self"
Alex Ozar
St. Louis Mo
Parshat Shemini
Nullification of The Self
Alex Ozar
St. Louis, Mo
Parshat Tazria
The Responsibility of the Metzora
Zvi Oratz
Elizabeth, NJ
Parshat Kedoshim
"Unity of the Many Lights" - ?Unity and Different Opinions
Natan Kotler
Jerusalem, Israel
Parshat Emor
The Sum of Our Parts
Ariel Bannett
Highland Park, NJ
Parshat Behar
"He shall Return to his Family"
Avi Blumenfeld
London, England
Parshat Bechukotai
Rebuke of the Tzibbur and the Individual
Ephraim Loewy
Fairlawn, NJ
Lag Ba'Omer
Lag Ba'omer and the Development of the Religious Personality
Alex Ozar
St. Louis, Mo
Parshat Bamidbar
Am Yisrael Desired Flags
R. Yehuda Lapian
Kerem B'Yavneh
Parshat Naso and Shavuot
Sacrifice for the Sake of Heaven
Jeffrey Thurm
Woodmere, NY
Parshat Beha'alotecha
Don't Just Judge Favorably
Avromi Kanal
Pittsburgh, PA
Parshat Shelach
Chasing after Honor
Avraham Pudles
Lakewood, NJ
Parshat Korach
Dispute for the Sake of Heaven
Shlomo Eisenberg
Los Angeles, CAAnt Psychology
Yossi Steinberger
Monsey, NY