Shabbaton in Beit Meir

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Shabbaton in Beit Meir

On Friday of Parshat Ki Tavo, the overseas students began their tiyul with Shacharit at the Kotel.  Following davening and breakfast, the students were taken for a tour in the Old City including: the new Churva Shul, Machon Hamikdash, and the Burnt House.
Following Mincha at the Churva Shul, buses took everyone to Beit Meir where they spent Shabbos with Rav Stav, Rav Zahtz, and Rabbi Katz.  The students were able to hear inspiring words from all of the Rabbeim over Shabbos and were able to partake in a tiyul to the Masrek after Mincha on Shabbos afternoon.
Motzei Shabbos, the Rosh Hayeshiva, Rav Greenberg, shlita, came to Beit Meir to join and address the students at a Melave Malka, which also featured Yair Tzin an alumnus of the Yeshiva who told over his personal story of Aliyah from Boston, Mass. to Israel.