Shabbaton In Chevron

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Shabbaton In Chevron

On Friday, erev Shabbat Shlach, the overseas students left the Yeshiva with the Mashgiach, Riv Rivlin, for an exciting tour of Ir David and the tunnels there. From there, they took buses to Kiryat Arba and Chevron where they would be for Shabbos. Before Shabbos, Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum took all of the students around the Chevron including a memorial for our alumnus, Rabbi Shmuel Auman z"l. Rav Kalman Ber and Rav Zvi Davidson joined them for Shabbos where they heard sichot by Rav Waldman of the yeshiva in Kiryat Arba and the Bostoner Rebbe who was in Chevron for Shabbos. Everyone returned to the Yeshiva with a tremendous amount of excitement after such an inspirational shabbaton.