Asufot 5785

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Asufot 5785

This past Tuesday, 25th of Adar, the Yeshiva hosted the annual Asufot gathering for the 5th time.  The purpose of the gathering is to learn from talmidei chachamim from all over the country.
Approximately 3000 rabbanim and students from 50 yeshivot arrived at Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh for a day of learning. Over fifty shiurim in iyun, machshava, and Halacha were delivered by Roshei Yeshiva and rabbanim from across the Religious Zionist community, all on the topic of "לעשות צדקה ומשפט".
Over the course of the day, refreshments were served throughout our campus as well as a hot lunch for the thousands that arrived.
At the conclusion of the event, the crowd heard works of chizuk and inspiration, tefila for the safety of our chayalim, the returning of all the hostages, and a refua sheleima for all those injured.