The War of Tefilla
By: Rav David Zahtz
Avraham Avinu is tasked by the angels who visit him to engage Hashem regarding the fate of Sodom. The posuk relates as the angels left Avraham to be alone in front of Hashem, “Vayigash Avraham”, Avraham approached. Rashi explains that Avraham Avinu approached Hashem with the entire arsenal that the word “vayigash” includes; war, appeasement, and prayer. What does it mean to approach Hashem in a warlike way?
Rav Pinkus explains that one can engage in tefilla that is warlike. In war, there are clear goals that cannot be achieved without meticulous planning and the combination of all the various strengths that one has. Tefilla can be the same and should be the same. Not only are there clear goals but when all energies and forces are gathered together, we are engaging Hashem in a clear directed “battle” to attain that which we need from Him. The angels had no reason to share the fate of Sodom, other than to elicit a reaction from Avraham Avinu, to stand up before Hashem and fight on their behalf.
Avraham wasn’t the only one like this. During the tragic event of the Egel Hazahav, while Moshe was on Har Sinai, Hashem turns to Moshe and begins to inform him of the atrocities that are in the midst of happening. Hashem charged Am Yisrael with a horrific capital crime. Hashem then tells Moshe, “ועתה הניחה לי ויחר אפי בהם ואכלם”, “Now, leave me so I may extend my wrath upon them and destroy them”. Moshe immediately understands the charge and empowerment that Hashem had just given him, namely, to fight on Am Yisrael’s behalf.
Throughout the war that we find ourselves in today, many have questioned what their role is in this war. Aside from the soldiers who are fighting, so many others are interested in being a part of this historic time but are left without clear options. Avraham Avinu teaches us that we all are capable of being soldiers in this war. Some fight with weapons in their hands or on their vehicles and tanks, others fight with the weapons of the mouth, tefilla. So whether it be the war for the nation, or personal battles and challenges, we should feel empowered by the koach of tefilla. Because with proper thought out goals and focus, Hashem has given us the tool that can pierce the heavens to bring the necessary salvation. May we all be zoche to yeshuos bekarov.
Shiur ID: 9461
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