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By: Rav Zvi Davidson

There is a fascinating contradiction in the Shulchan aruch (Hilchos birkos hatorah 46).

If someone wakes up in the morning and wishes to write words of Torah he needs to make birkas hatorah, but in the very next halacha, Shulchan aruch writes that if one just wishes to think divrei Torah, he does not need to make a bracha. What's the difference?


The Shev Yaakov (49) explains the mitzva of learning Torah is learnt from the posuk  "ושננתם לבניך" this shows that the mitzvah is fulfilled specifically in a way that can be taught on to others.


 If so, in speaking and in writing divrei Torah, one fulfils the mitzvah. But when one just thinks Torah, he hasn't brought the Torah out into the world in a way that can be transmitted to others.


This is a huge chiddush, as according to this, not only is teaching Torah an additional aspect of the mitzvah, but it's actually a clause in fulfilling the mitzvah!


The אור החיים הקדוש alludes to this concept in the opening of this week's parsha by noting the word בחוקותי is in plural. He explains the mitzva of Talmud Torah has two elements learning oneself and then teaching it onto others.


There are two inland seas in Eretz Yisrael, the kinneret and the dead sea. The kinneret has fresh water and gives us vitality, whereas the dead sea, nothing can live there. What's the difference?


The kinneret receives water from the north and then transmits the water to the south, whereas the dead sea just receives.


אין מים אלא תורה


If you learn dvar Hashem, don't hold back, share it on! 


Not only will it enrich the lives of others but it will give you vitality too!

Shiur ID: 9411

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